About us
Our firm has extensive experience in commercial, private and government residential real estate foreclosure matters in Oklahoma and in surrounding states with representation in all state and federal courts.
We have substantial knowledge in loss mitigation alternatives including deed in lieu of foreclosure, quiet title and curative title actions, mobile home title resolutions/cancellations, evictions, title insurance underwriting, real estate closings, mortgages and contracts, lender and creditor's rights law.
OPtions for Loan Services
Our firm works diligently with borrowers to assist in giving them the informational tools which may save their homes. In tough economic times, we recognize the need to educate and inform mortgagors of the options available to lenders and place them in touch with the correct departments for assistance.
A modern approach
It’s essential for us that our clients get personalized suggestions on who from our team is the best match. Rather than do things the typical way, we’ve created a system designed around our clients’ needs.
Protecting creditor’s rights
The firm stays abreast of developments in laws and regulations affecting the real estate and mortgage industry and utilizes the latest technology and updated processes to provide the most efficient, timely and reliable service to its clients.
Technologies and memberships
CMS Vendorscape
Iclear Invoice Management
Wolters Kluwer
Black Knight Loan Sphere Default Management
Black Knight Asset Management
Black Knight Invoice Management
Legal League 100
Oklahoma Bar Association
Oklahoma County Bar Association
AV Rating in Martindale-Hubbell Law Directory
CBC Innvois National Attorney Network
FCI National Lender Services
Res.Net Partner Attorney
Hello Solutions Network
Oklahoma Bankers Association
Oklahoma Real Property Law Association
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